Not So Quick Rant
September 7, 2012
Apparently, there must be something political going on in the
news tonight. Because my status feed is chock full of Obama haters and
Obama supporters. Now ironically, most who fall into each category are
the color you would expect them to be, but thankfully that is not the
reason they are in said categories. First, I would like to say to few
people who still believe that Obama was born in Kenya, I would kindly
like to ask you to make sure you don't reproduce in the near future,
because you are a moron. When one announces that you are intending to
run for president, both you and your vice-presidential nominee are
thoroughly vetted in all aspects of your life. So enough already.
why are people surprised that Obama hasn't lived up to any of his
promises? He is a politician. The modus operandi of a politician is to
promise his or her constituents change and tell them everything they
want to hear. But what most of you fail to realize, is that politics is
essentially one giant game of quid pro quo. Politicians are often
quietly beholden to the people who put them in office, such as campaign
donors, special interests groups, lobbyists, etc. Third, having said
what i just said, do you really believe that Mitt Romney will be any
different? Do you really think his promises are any more valid than that
of any presidential candidate before him? Personally, I doubt it. But
then again, if he actually wins the election, I wonder what most of you
and the people on Fox News will have to complain about if that
"unAmerican, radical, muslim extremist Obama" is no longer "sending this
country to hell." (Put the Kool-Aid down, please.)
Next? Most of the issues facing this country are a result of the actions of
people in this country. You need examples, you say? Let's look at
"terrorism." From 1979 to 1989, the Russians were involved in a bloody
war in Afghanistan. And since this was directly during the Cold War era,
naturally the U.S. had to get involved. And they did, by supplying of
billions of dollars in arms to the Afghan mujahideen militants, in one
of the CIA's longest and most expensive covert operations, called
Operation Cyclone. At least 3 billion in U.S. dollars were funneled into
the country to train and equip troops with weapons. Ironically, after
expelling Russia from Afghanistan, the mujahideen and another extremists
turned their hatred away from Russia, and squarely onto the west,
specifically the U.S. for our continued support of Israel. Who,
according to them, are the thieves of their holy land and must be slain
without prejudice. They call this their "jihad" or holy war.
Illegal immigration. It has always been a problem. This country was
built on illegal immigration. If you're not a Native American, this
means you, and your ancestors. But the problems that have long gestated,
have obviously escalated in modern times. With incidences such as the
Mariel Boat Lift in 1980, and a constant increase of Mexican immigrants
since the late 80s and early 1990s, especially after Mexico rewrote
article 27 of their constitution in order to join NAFTA, which was
spearheaded by everyone's favorite president, Clinton. Since NAFTA,
Mexico's national poverty rate has climbed dramatically from near 31% to
a stunning 44.2%, with 33.7% living in moderate poverty and 10.5%
living in extreme poverty. Thus, they come here, looking for a better
life, by any means necessary. And I'm not gonna get into the criminals
that come here illegally. And let's not forget that ol' George "Dubya"
Bush met with the leaders of Mexico and Canada and proposed the idea for
the North American Union. In which, all three countries would become
one. We would share one currency, which would be called the "amero" and
they would build a super highway that joined all three countries in
order to "create jobs and increase trade" between the union. That
wouldn't open up the borders. It would erase them.
Unemployment. While it's true, Obama's promises to curb this epidemic
have been futile. But my issue with that is more than empty promises. I
hate the fact most of the things we buy or "need" or no longer produced
in this country. I hate the fact that Obama chose to "bail out" large
companies, and those who ran the companies took lavish trips with the
money. I hate the fact, that all of these green energy jobs Obama
promised haven't taken shape. And it's mostly due to the fact, that many
powerful people in this country have a large stake in fossil fuels. So
while they're making millions off our oil dependency, they're not going
to want to see hybrid or solar powered homes. And some of the lack of
green jobs, are simply out of people's stupidity. Because they think
global warming is some "stupid liberal scare tactic," that Al Gore made
up after he "created the internet." I also hate the fact that the large
corporations some politicians cater to, make their high profit margins,
by outsourcing their labor to 3rd world countries to keep cost down and
take advantage of cheap labor. When I have a problem with my debit card,
I shouldn't be directed to a call center in India. And/or because of
it's rich supply of cotton, a lot of clothing is produced in sweatshops
in countries like my family's native Honduras. Check your t-shirt tags
from time to time. You'll see what i mean.
while I could go on and on, I'm not going to. Because quite frankly, I'm
making my own head hurt. But the overall point, is essentially this: No
matter the candidate, the problems will persist. We, as a country, are
never going to accomplish anything. Because we are too busy pointing out
the flaws in each other's ideologies to find a common ground. We are
too busy repping our religious denominations, as if they were sports
teams, and not things that have the potential to push us further away
from reality. I'm sorry, if I prefer separation of church and state. I
think it was a great idea from our founding fathers. Who were not always
the angels we make them out to be. They were men. They made mistakes.
They hated organized religion, and sought to make a government free from
them church's influence. They also wrote a document claiming all men
are equal while most of them owned slaves, and a few of them had slave
women as their mistresses. We can't forget our history, or we'll be
condemned to repeat it. And if we're too busy looking forward to the
future, and some impending rapture, then we'll forget about the present.
And we are presently fucked.
But it's not all
gloom and doom. This country can rise from the ashes like the phoenix it
is. We just have to get our heads out of our asses. Stop letting
reality tv dominate our lives. Let the teachers teach the children about
math, science, and history. Let's stop thinking that if a teacher has a
sexual education class than it will force your child to have premartial
sex. Because news flash, abstinence doesn't work through puberty. And
neither does "magic underwear." Let's demand news people tells us the
news, and keep their opinions to their fucking selves. Stop spreading
misinformation and being hate and fear mongers just for the sake of
ratings. Let's stop being so short sighted about things like gay
marriage, and let's start reading something besides holy texts and TMZ
headlines. And please notice I said "we." I am not immune to these
shortcomings. But, I am still admittedly biased, when I say that I was
born in the best country in the world. And I can change. And the bottom
line is, so can we all.
*Steps down off of soapbox*
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