The Folly Of Humanity
I have tried and tried for years, to understand the impossible. To understand why for every advancement, we as a people make, whether technologically or philosophically, it only takes a glance at the nightly news, to show us that we are further away from perfection than ever before. With the ability to engage in cognitive thought, due to the emergence of self-awareness, reason, and logic, you would think that we would have developed an unshakeable abhorrence to all things illogical. All things amoral. But alas, we have not. In parts of this world, that we are lucky enough to inhabit, we do things to one another, that make me question the existence of any form of righteous force in the universe. Whether it's the overzealous disguised as holy men, or greedy militant leaders becoming overlords at the expense of their own people, humanity is becoming irredeemably lost. And in my humble, yet somewhat wordy opinion, therein lies the problem. Therein lies the folly of humanity. Humanity at it's base, is merely a collection of emotions and instincts. Our emotions sway like trees in the breeze, and can change to be as lively or desolate as the seasons. They can be the spark to light the powder keg on the way to madness. Or they can even be the hand, that smothers the sparkling fuse. It merely varies by the situation. And our instincts? At their very base, they are primal. Dangerous. Selfish. Even animalistic. The needs for food, water, shelter, warmth, sexual intercourse (whether for pleasure or procreation), and the need to protect one's family unit are all done at the expensive of others. For we are hard-wired to survive. It's survival of the fittest. I guess, Mr. Darwin would be proud of my realization. But allow me to stay on point. The folly of humanity, in my eyes, is that for all of our so-called evolution, we haven't gotten very far. We still judge one another in some form or fashion. Whether it's based on something physical such as facial features, height, weight, dexterity, etc. or something more intangible like race, creed, religious beliefs, or sexual preference, we used them as excuses to degrade one another to subconscious plant a flag of superiority, in our own minds. To show that we are king or queen of our own prides. Pun intended. And what's even more nonsensical to me, is that instead of turning our judgmental gazes inward, to improve upon our running imperfections, some of us instead choose to justify our actions, because of their belief in the existence of a Creator. Despite whatever myth is mixed to solidify their stance, and no matter which fabled sobriquet they have chosen to give him, most cultures are united in a monotheistic game of "my team is better than yours." And when you look at what we are told, and dig among the myriad of rhapsodized quotes, you can see signs that merely perpetuate the folly. Whether it be for profit or simply misplaced devotion. Am I to believe that I am created in a image of one who is perfect, when there are so many things wrong with me? Am I to believe that I suffer the stain of an original sin, that was committed seemingly eons before my existence? Am I to believe that a Creator who is so perfect and so merciful would have such trivial human characteristics like pride and vengefulness? Am I to believe He who loves us more than all of his other creations, would allow us all to suffer like Job, simply to prove a point to an outspoken and brash soul, no longer under his employ? This strikes me all as odd. But in the end of all of this rambling that I'm doing, I realize that by typing this, and getting things off my chest, I may rub some people the wrong way. But news flash: I don't care. if you have an intelligent, heartfelt point, I'd love to hear/see/read it. But if you'd merely spew "your religious team's" company line, I'd rather you didn't. You see, I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs, merely, questioning my own. And doing it, in a grandiose, rhetorical way. So if you have sat through all of this rambling, and read, and digested what I am trying to say, I thank you. Wholeheartedly. But to those of you, who think that you know everything, I'll leave you with this... Speaking with certainty inspires a confidence that breathes the air of arrogance. Speaking with belief inspires a knowledge that allows room for errors. And speaking with doubt inspires a quest to seek and ascertain conviction. But I, Clyde Hurlston, am certain that I will never have all the answers. And I believe that I am not meant to ever have all the answers. And I doubt many of you will disagree. And yes, this was written out of anger, and written out of spite. I see that so many things are wrong, and no God will put them right. They say we'll all answer in the end, but what shall we do 'til then. Shall we live amongst the very worst, and just do the best we can? Or will His majesty step off his cloud, and destroy the world again? 'Cause we may need another ark, to endure the flood I've held within...
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