Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gossip Is An Aphrodisiac...

Gossip is an aphrodisiac for the masses. It flows like blood through their circles. The smaller the community, the louder the whispers. The smaller the town, the larger the skeletons they collectively hide. Yet, piety is the mask they all wear. Pointing fingers in private, while flashing peace signs in public. Or in the cities, it may be middle fingers they flash depending on whose car they are leaning on. All so they can post photographic proof of living an exciting life, to gather likes and comments from people who never gave them the time of day in high school. But now after having played the field, now regurgitate a need to settle down and be taken seriously. So they take steps to become society's accepted form of life. All while rushing to procreate in order to ensure themselves some form of legacy. Creating something that will live long after they have come and gone. It's ingrained in all of us. On a subconscious level. Some more than others. Because we, yes I said "we," are an ever-growing collection of hypocrites and/or cyber-tyrants.

All feigning to be more stingy with the "fucks" we give, while sadly caring all too much...

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