Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Grander Scale Of Things

"The Grander Scale Of Things"

In the darkness I lay empty
In the darkness I am whole
In the darkness I am wide awake
For there's darkness in my soul
And blue skies may rule the day
But no stars will rule my night
For even the moon is known to disappear
If the conditions are just right
And nobody cares to hear details
Since we each possess our own
Struggles to survive and overcome
When we realize that we're alone
But i fear these thoughts are vices
That i keep relapsing to indulge
Since most get off on little, dirty secrets
Others just happen to divulge
But what does it truly matter
On the grander scale of things
When a soul can find no counterbalance
To help him even out the swings
And as one side is raised into the sky
The other grows closer to the ground
Points of view will become obscured
And no equal footing will be found
So let nobody tell you different
If there's darkness in your eyes
Just enjoy the view that you've obtained
As they're seeking shade from lies
For that's what light is known to do
It burns and illuminates the flaws
Of even the most known and noble souls
Without warning or just cause.
And i have felt it burn me
More than a time or two
Yet i won't display the scars
Just to amuse the fools like you
So as i retreat to darkness
And to things i feel are true
I feel the world is better off
If I'm no longer in its' view
So please leave this beast alone
In the tower he calls home
Where the ringing bell is the tale I'll tell
To inform this wretched world,
That their favorite doormat has come and gone.

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