Tuesday, September 3, 2013

La Danse Macabre?

"La Danse Macabre?"

In our minds we share a dance
And on the floor we find the fear to give our love a chance
With swords and knives, it's our thoughts we guard
And to deliver fear a killing stroke has become as hard
As it is to fly inside a fleeting summer's breeze
When our ship has been troubled in all the seven seas
But when dancing, they say you should never lead with your left
And I look at the life I lead, and wonder what I have left
For the world isn't very kind
When your reality doesn't fit the image in their mind
Remember that they'll disregard your hopes and dreams
And only focus on the brands and sizes of your jeans
It's a photogenic world, full of plastic people with morals for sale
And they'll include a tan in a bottle, in case you're feeling a little pale
Paint your eyelashes black, so we won't notice your eyes are always shut
And pay your surgeons well, so they'll remove every self-inflicted cut

In our souls we share a dance
And on the floor we find enough guilt to give religion a chance
With swords and knives, it's our beliefs we guard
And to deliver sin a killing stroke has become as hard
As it is to devote ourselves to something we cannot see
While reading about miracles performed by a man we'll never be
But when dancing, they say the more experienced one should lead
And still the timid take control, because it's our egos we love to feed
For the gossip of sinners isn't very kind
When they're searching lives with fine-tooth combs, for what they'll never find
And remember that they'll disregard the truth, if lies bring more delight
It's not about who are you today, but what you do at night
And they love to know who you do it with, and details make them smile
They show their teeth to throw you off, their second face is just as vile
Paint your windows black, so they can see a reflection of their hearts
And they'll know their lives won't equal yours, unless they combine the parts...

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