Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Lies That Bind

"The Lies That Bind"

If all the world's a stage
Then we're performers in a sense
And the characters we play
Are just our last defense
For we feel we must protect
The things so near and dear
That it's the truth we will neglect
So our lies can bind us here
But look at you my darling star
You seem to shine as bright
As the other stars seem to glow
Inside my sky at night
But since we're placed upon this stage
My attention rarely goes
Anywhere that you are not
And I hope, no I suppose
That you have something to do
With this one-track line of thought
That runs throughout my nightly dreams
Since sleep has surely brought
Here to me a better way
Of exploring your temple walls
And my wants become these blooming needs
Each time your temple calls
And then the silence begins to grow
The three words you wished to hear
And as this truth begins to show
I whisper them softly in your ear
And as you take each one to heart
I follow the path I took before
Far beyond those tempting gates
I once referenced out of lore
But this character I play today
Has no love for stories told
He merely wants to just explore
So his warmth will mask the cold
Then the darling star awoke to shine
And found the sky was not as filled
As it was the night before
And so her tears were spilled
For she felt the script that he had used
Made a mockery of rules
And all his excavation proved
Was that love was only for the fools
That forget we are upon a stage
And no soul can prove it wrong
So put on your mask and hide yourself
For here we all belong...

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