Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Past

The Past

There is a funny thing about the past. For the optimistic souls in life, the mere mention of the word can become a window. To view memories long since cherished. Memories that play out like movies. With scenes dancing in the mind's eye, as vivid as the day the heart and soul recorded them. But the for those on the opposite side of the coin, there is nothing funny about the past. For the mere mention of the word, can become the shackles which bind us to the things we hate the most.

For the ambitious souls in life, the past can be the spark that ignites the burning desire to improve our lives. But for the complacent souls in life, the past can be the dark shadow looming over our every move. For it should be noted, than when the things you have accomplished have far eclipsed the things you're doing, then your time has passed. You have become the past.

So once you have come to that realization, then you must choose to either crumble under the weight of your denial. Or simply embrace the nearing end of your life, and blaze a path for future generations to follow. Pound the pavements with experienced feet, and leave your footsteps as sole impressions of who and what you were. To see if the future walkers of said path, will be able to fill your footsteps. Or maybe some will come behind you, with footsteps that far exceed your own, and obstruct the view of the impressions, you so strongly made.

But fear not dear soul, for the most of the world, is slighty inquisitve. So they will dig through the debris, and sift through the ash of the current state of things, and they will salvage your footsteps. And they will be treated like the works of art they are. But the rest, will walk the path you once strolled, and never give you a second thought. So it seems is the fate of those who once tried to stop the future, and caved in like a wall pushed beyond its means.

The moral of the story, dear friends, is that the future will move forward. Forever forward. With or without us. We are simply the present. A few steps behind the future in our own eyes, but years behind in the eyes of God.

And as sure as His son once looked up to him, as he was nailed to a cross, by those who clung to tightly to the past, and were trying equally as hard to stop the future. Jesus looked up to His Father at that present time, ready to embrace his future. So we must all try to fill in the footsteps of Christ. Surely, our feet are not as strong as His. So naturally, we stumble off the path. We stray from the brighter side of day. But it's the things we do, to get back on the path he paved, that really matter in the eyes of Christ and the eyes of his Father.

So as their heavenly eyes gaze upon us now, I ask you dear friend, will you remain in the past? Or will you stand up in the present, and walk tall into the future?

I know my answer.

Do you know your own?

- Clyde Hurlston.

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